Green Energy

Embracing solar power for a sustainable future.

Source Energy has developed an innovative, cleaner and easier way to access energy that customers, communities and the planet will benefit off.

Green energy is acquired from renewable resources, the most common being solar or wind power. As green energy naturally occurs it produces no net greenhouse gas emissions, providing a cleaner alternative to more common sources of electricity which utilise fossil fuels, such as coal. Source Energy’s Integrated Energy Networks has made green energy more accessible and affordable than ever.

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Green vs Grid Energy

Traditionally accessing energy within Western Australia has been limited both in regards to the companies who provide it and the type of energy available – which has previously been derived mainly from fossil fuels.

However, with more awareness of our impact on our environments, there has been a rapid shift towards more natural sources of energy in our day to day lives. With the development of innovative technology such as electric vehicles, we are part of an evolution to embrace natural energy, now and in the future.

Sustainable Energy

Introducing an Integrated Energy Network by Source Energy into your building is a shift towards leading a more sustainable life. It means access to a more efficient delivery of electricity and a deeper understanding of your energy consumption allowing the opportunity to readjust your behaviours.


  • Affordable
  • Better for the environment
  • Better understanding of energy consumption